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Constructo Home Renovations Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 04:43   Trades & Services   Servicing: Manawatu Region   21 views Reference: 134008

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0800617897

About Constructo Home Renovations

Our goal is to give kiwis the best and easiest building and renovation experience possible. Imagine one point of contact for your any build work. To have only one bill to pay and to know the fixed price of your whole build or renovation upfront. One price, no surprise. We provide fixed price, fully packaged builds, home renovations and repairs to kiwis all over the country. Our construction experts handle in an all-inclusive package, including planning, managing tradespeople, sourcing materials and rubbish removal. We do all the juggling and hard work for you. Our team brings decades of home improvement experience to your project. AND you still get to design the space the way you want. Our build and renovation packages come with full customisation option without having to pay any more than you are comfortable paying. Our extensive team of tradespeople can handle any project large or small. We have all qualified and experienced builders, carpenters, plumbers, painters, plasterers and any other trades you can think of to make sure your build and renovation runs smoothly and you get the highest quality improvements that you have always dreamed of.

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