Complete Underground Services Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 19:13 Professional Services Servicing: Auckland Region 23 views Reference: 96396Location: Servicing: Auckland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 095373260
F: 094793797
Opening hours
- Mon
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- Sun
Products and Services
ItemsGas Lines, Water Mains, Pipes
Price InformationFree Quotes
SourceWastewater, Stormwater
ConcernsSewage, Burst Pipes, Wastewater, Corrosion, Broken Pipes
Service OptionsConsultations, Free Quotes, By Appointment
ServicesBuilding, Cabling, Installation, Laying
PropertiesTownhouses, Studios, Schools, Medical Facilities, Houses, Motels, Resorts, Cabins, Estates, Churches
Year est.
Parking options
Free On-StreetPayment options
About Complete Underground Services
Need water, telecom or power services or upgrading but don't want the hassle, mess and expense of digging up trenches?
Complete Underground Services (formerly known as Drill Tech NZ Ltd) can do just that. We drill underneath so there is no need need for digging up paths, driveways and damaging trees and foilage.
Whether you're building a new house or doing renovations or need more water for a factory/industrial site or have a new subdivision - we do a broad range from smaller jobs (from just 25mm wide) to very large jobs (longest job 150m water mains upgrade and widest 350mm). Commercial, industrial and private residential.
Keep it discreet. Go trenchless. And put services in without the disturbance and mess.
To find out if it's do-able on your site and to discover how to best do it, give Dean a call today - you'll be surprised at how quickly and efficiently the job can be done.
What makes us different
Complete Underground Services are your directional drilling experts. Based in Auckland, we provide a dedicated team of contractors you can trust. We deliver affordable trenching, directional drilling and reinstatement services. We work with all types of surfaces including cobbles, concrete drives and paths, asphalt and landscaping. Get in touch with us today if you have any questions!
drillersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.