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Community Care Pharmacy Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 20:32   Medical & Emergency   14 Redwood Street Blenheim   31 views Reference: 290700

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Contact Info(s):

O: 035791751

Opening hours


Products and Services



Markets Served



Acne, Colds, Burns, Aches, Allergies, Diabetes, Earaches, Flu, Fevers, Coughs, Arthritis, Athletic Injuries, Bites, Ageing, Dermatitis, Blood Pressure, Diarrhoea


All Ages

About Community Care Pharmacy

Community Care is Blenheim's only extended hours (after hours) pharmacy and are the last pharmacy to close. We are your local Pharmacy dedicated to providing customers with friendly advice and high quality service.
Our goal is working to improve the health of our community.

We are a small pharmacy situated within the Blenheim Warehouse for your convenience; free parking is also a bonus. Our highly qualified pharmacists and staff are there to assist you with pharmaceutical advice, health and well-being advice as well as filling your prescription and dispensing medicines. We offer over the counter remedies, vitamins and supplement medicines. We have access to a wide range of extensive health care products, pharmaceuticals and well-known health brands to suit your every day requirements.

We were named in the top 10 pharmacies for Community pharmacy of the year 2013. This was based on the Neilson Customer Satisfaction Survey.

We look forward to seeing you in store.

HOURS: 9am - 8pm 7 days
Closed: Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas day. Open from 1pm on Anzac day.

Other services:

Flu vaccination (some conditions may apply see in store)
Emergency Contraception Pill
Blood Glucose testing
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Iron level indicator

We are Marlborough's pharmacy that offers the Community pharmacy Anti-coagulation Management Services.

What makes us different

Because we know medicine can be needed any hour of the day, we have extended hours. We stay open late... just in case.

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