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Commercial Roadskills Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:00   Auto Services   Servicing: Auckland City, Manukau City, North Shore, Pukekohe Area   23 views Reference: 26943
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Tagline: Also known as: Commercial Roadskills Limited

Contact Info(s):

O: 099192711

F: 0212763600[Les]

Opening hours


Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

GST Number



Road Transport Forum NZ
Road Transport Forum NZ
National Road Carriers (Inc)
National Road Carriers (Inc)

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Bank Cheque

About Commercial Roadskills Ltd

Commercial Roadskills undertakes training for the commercial transport industry in New Zealand.

From truck licences to advanced training and efficiency courses, we cover all aspects to ensure that you are fully equipped and confident before you take on the road.

We cater to the needs of fleet managers, owners and drivers, helping them define what skills and tools will facilitate with decreasing costs, whilst improving efficiency and reducing compliance issues.

Commercial Roadskills offers an extensive range of courses and services, including:

  • Licensing & Endorsements
  • Efficiency Course
  • Compliance Courses
  • Health & Safety Services
  • NZQA Courses

We cater to key industries includes:

  • Transporting
  • Logistics
  • Taxis
  • Coaches & Buses
  • Truck Mounted Crane Fleets
  • Container Handling

Our courses are geared towards developing skills that can reduce fuel consumption, increase safety and awareness, and effectively lower overall costs of running a vehicle and a fleet. We have specialists in different areas of driving competencies and licensing across different industries.

We are located at:
21 Brigade Road
Airport Oaks

For more information on courses and services offered, please get in touch or visit our website.

What makes us different

At Commercial Roadskills, our instructors are experienced, patient and approachable as they mentor candidates. We are NZTA and MITO accredited, and are an EECA business partner. We're also members SAFEDZ, Institute of Advanced Motorists, as well as being CONNEXIS Accredited.

We solve out customers' problems. Upskill with Confidence.

Website: http://www.roadskills.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoadskillsLtd/?fref=photo

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/commercial-roadskills-limited

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