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Clean My Car Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:13   Auto Services   Servicing: Christchurch   17 views Reference: 114903
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Contact Info(s):

O: 0508253261

F: 0272253261

Opening hours


Products and Services


Exteriors, Interiors


Stains, Pet Damage, Water Stains, Tar

Price Information

Commercial Accounts, Free Pick-up


References Available, Testimonials

Service Options

Consultations, Mobile Service, By Appointment


Shampooing, Grooming, Paint Protection, Polishing, Car Washes, Cleaning


Independently Operated

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Clean My Car

Make the cleaning and detailing of your vehicle easier by calling Clean My Car! We are a mobile car valet service that will complete the clean at your premises or collect the car, clean it to your specifications and return it to you within 120 minutes.

From corporate to commercial clients, we will customise a program that fits with the usage pattern of your fleet or business. No matter how many vehicles you have, we will have your company looking its best with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We provide a professional service including cleaning, valets, detailing and grooming.

Using only environmentally friendly products, we adhere to strict water usage and only use cleaning products that are biodegradable, eco-friendly and non-allergenic. Call today or visit our website for more information.

What makes us different

Make contact with us for excellence in Car Valet Services, including car washing, waxing and polishing, water spot removal, shampooing of seats and carpets, tar removal, and much more. We specialise in commerical and corporate clients. Contact us for a supreme car clean.

Website: http://www.cleanmycar.co.nz

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