Claudelands Automotive Limited Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 21:16 Auto Services 778 Heaphy Terrace Claudelands Hamilton 3214 25 views Reference: 272066Click to get direction: 778 Heaphy Terrace Claudelands Hamilton 3214
Contact Info(s):
O: 078553883
F: 0274800204
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesPick-ups, Pick-ups
Vehicle TypeImports, Domestic, Imports, Domestic, Imports, Domestic
SourceDiesel, Petrol
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Commercial, Residential, Commercial, Residential
TradesAutomotive Mechanics, Mechanics
Vehicle FeaturesAutomatic, Manual, 4WD, 4WD
ConcernsCollisions, Car Accidents, Accidents, Lockouts, Punctures, Flat Tyres, Dead Batteries, Breakdowns, Check Engine Light
Price InformationFree Estimates
VehiclesTrucks, 4WD, Vans, Cars, 4WD, Cars, Vans, Trucks, 4WD, Cars, Trucks
PartsOff-road Tyres, Air Brakes, Radial Tyres, Anti Lock Brakes, Tyres, All Season Tyres, Mufflers, Gearboxes, Performance Tyres, Brake Pads, Clutches, Brake Drums, Brakes, Heavy Equipment Tyres, Cambelts, Brake Shoes, Road Tyres, Gearboxes, Torque Converters, Clutches, CV Joints, Air Brakes, Tyres, All Season Tyres, Brakes, Tyres, All Season Tyres, Air Filters, Filters, Brakes, Gears, Clutches
Service OptionsDelivery, Quotes, Pick-ups, Free Quotes
SystemsFuel Systems, Transmissions, Motors, Automatic Transmissions, Dual Exhaust Systems, Exhaust Systems
MaterialsMild Steel
ServicesInstallation, Repairs, Calibrations, Speed Calibrations, Cambelt Replacements, Tune-ups, Repairs, Tyre Balancing, Lube Service, Vibration Analysis, Accident Recovery, Salvaging, Recovery, Repairs, Tune-ups, Replacement, Maintenance, Tune-ups, Diagnostics, Repairs
ProductsWheels, Shocks & Struts, Axles, CV Joints, Brakes, Lubricating Oil
Vehicle StyleStation Wagons
KindsStandard, Spring, Hydraulic
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
Mailing address
PO Box 14135 Five Cross Roads Hamilton 3252
About Claudelands Automotive Limited
Do it once, Do it right!
At Claudelands Automotive Ltd we specialise in complete A Grade service.
We are locally owned and operated and we assure prompt, friendly service with all work guaranteed.
- All mechanical repairs
- Service and lubes
- Brake and clutch repairs
- Gearboxes
- Tune-ups
- Tyres
- Wheel alignment
- Handbrake and cable repairs
- CV joints and Shock Absorbers
- Release bearings
- Troubleshooting
For more information, please give us a call.
What makes us different
We come to you to pick up your broken down vehicle. We offer 24-hour call outs for breakdown services and also pick up and delivery services.
When you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.