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Clarendon Hotel Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:28   Auto Services   Servicing: Whanganui Region, Taranaki   24 views Reference: 224819
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Contact Info(s):

O: 063465006

About Clarendon Hotel

We are a fantastic country pub located 30 mins out of Whanganui, located in the center of Waverley township.
We have accommodation to suit every need from the traveling salesman to the family and are a short walk to the local park and swimming pools or a 5 minute drive to the beach.
We offer non powered parking to members of the Motor Home Association.
Our restaurant is guaranteed to have something for everyone, delicious meals, burgers, pizzas and platters.
We have 2 big screens for all the live action sports, a Gaming Lounge, free Wi-Fi, internet stations, coin operated washing machines and dryers, 2 Pool Tables, Dart Board, Arm Wrestling table, and a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for your enjoyment.
Our bottle store is open till 11pm daily to cater to all your wholesale needs.
We have a great team of staff who are happy to help and ensure your time with us is enjoyable.
Clarendon Hotel Waverley - the complete package.

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