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CKL NZ LTD Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:04   Professional Services   Servicing: Cambridge Area, Coromandel Area, Hamilton, Matamata Area, Te Awamutu Area, Te Kuiti Area, Thames Area, Tokoroa Area   24 views Reference: 249423
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Contact Info(s):

O: 078499921

F: 078499922

Opening hours


Products and Services


New Zealand Institute of Surveyors




Motorways, Streets, Roads, Sewers, Roadways, Highways, Driveways, Sections, Vacant Lots, Streams, Wells, Subdivisions, Wetlands, Multi-lot Subdivisions, Land, Right-of-ways


Resource Consents




Civil Engineers, Land Surveyors, City & Town Planner, Land Development Engineers, Engineers, Surveyors, Engineers, Civil Engineers, Planning Consultants, Land Surveyors, Consultants, City & Town Planner, Planners, Engineers


Surveying, Security, Protection, Strategic Planning, Mapping, Consulting, Feasibility Studies, Compliance, Management, Environmental Assessments, Real Estate Assessments, Environmental Consulting, Property Management, Inspections, GPS Mapping, Landscaping, Resource Consent Compliance, Planning, Environmental Investigations, Risk Assessments, Assessments, Surveying, Mapping, Consulting, Advice, Draughting, Planning, Resource Management, Management, Project Management, Surveying, Consulting, Surveys, Design, Management, Land Development, Auditing, Monitoring, Assessments, Consulting, Evaluations, Analysis, Conditioning, Environmental Assessments, Advice, Impact Studies, Environmental Engineering, Containment, Construction, Environmental Consulting, Design, Expert Witnesses, Environmental Planning, Environmental Monitoring, Groundwater Sampling, Environmental Investigations, Groundwater Remediation, Development, Civil Engineering, Land Title Surveys, GPS Surveys, Consulting, Pegging, Landonline, Topographic Surveys, Draughting, Infrastructure Surveys, Planning, Environmental Engineering, Resource Management, Environmental Consulting, Subdividing, Land Development, Easements


Title, Boundaries, Wetland Permits, Surface Water Contamination, Sewage, Solid Waste, Wastewater, Groundwater, Contamination, Seepage, Wastewater

Service Options

Online Information



Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential


Subdivisions, Houses, Lots, High End Residences, Housing, Farms, Estates, Dairy Farms, Subdivisions

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Site Safe NZ
Site Safe NZ

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques


Are you looking for Resource Management advice? CKL is a planning, surveying and engineering consultancy, with a wealth of experience in delivering quality land development and infrastructure projects.

With a hand in shaping the development of our country for over 25 years.

In our field, accuracy and precision are paramount. Small mistakes can have major financial implications. When dealing with your land, you want to ensure that the professional you choose does things right the first time.

  • Feasibility Investigations
  • Rural and Urban subdivisions
  • Project Management
  • Land Use Planning
  • Unit Titles / Multi Titles
  • Environmental Planning
  • Coastal Planning
  • Planning Consulting
  • Civil and land Development Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Construction and Set out
  • Quarry, Mine & landfill Surveys
  • Survey Services

CKL's health and safety system is part of the ISO 9001 program, and is certified within the ISO standard

Visit our website for further details on our services!

What makes us different

We accurately measure and map development landscapes for title, subdivision, and construction requirements using the latest technology, we may provide direction on unit title and strata developments.

Our professional surveyors have a thorough knowledge and understanding of construction process and have worked with architects and engineers on complex and significant projects.

CKL's surveyors are highly experienced in the survey of dangerous and inaccessible areas such as quarries, landfills, and mines.

Website: http://www.ckl.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CKL.nz/info?tab=page_info

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ckl-surveys-ltd?trk=company_logo&goback=%2Enppvan_%2Fayarovoy

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