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City Honda Manawatu Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 21:06   Auto Services   487 Rangitikei Street Cloverlea Palmerston North 4412   55 views Reference: 294123
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Servicing: Manawatu Region

Click to get direction: 487 Rangitikei Street Cloverlea Palmerston North 4412

Contact Info(s):

O: 063577027

F: 063768837

Opening hours


Products and Services


Chain Saws, Motorcycle Leathers, Generators


Walker, Lawn Mowers


Honda, Husqvarna


Farmbikes, Scooters, Tour Bikes, Sport Bikes, Used Motorbikes, Road Bikes, Dirt Bikes

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Direct Debit
Gift Vouchers
Financing Available
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About City Honda Manawatu

City Honda is the premiere destination for motorbike parts, accessories, riding gear, sales and servicing in the Manawatu. We pride ourselves on having a great range of good quality products, including: helmets, gloves, jackets, riding pants, tyres, oils and more.

Were suppliers of aftermarket parts and accessories from all major suppliers and, of course, are agents for Honda genuine parts.

We service and supply parts for all makes and models of motorcycle, ATV or side-by-side

Our team is truly passionate about Motorbikes and Outdoor Power Equipment, so you know you're shopping with the right people when dealing with our team at City Honda Manawatu.

Founded in 2008 City Honda Manawatu has grown into one of New Zealands leading motorcycle and outdoor power equipment destination stores. As a company, we are proud to be a part of a family of three locally owned and operated Honda Dealerships: City Honda Manawatu, City Honda Horowhenua in Levin, and Bisset Honda Pahiatua.

What makes us different

Motorbikes & Motorcycle Gear from a dealership like no other! Our professional service department and technicians are highly trained and are always available to carry out free, no obligation trade appraisals.

Website: http://www.cityhonda.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cityhonda

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cityhonda/

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