City Collision Repairs Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 00:57 Auto Services 31 Leyland Street Onekawa Napier 23 views Reference: 124405Location: 31 Leyland Street Onekawa Napier
Click to get direction: 31 Leyland Street Onekawa Napier
Contact Info(s):
O: 068438200
Opening hours
- Mon
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- Sun
Products and Services
AssociationsCollision Repair Association
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
TradesPanel Beaters
Price InformationFree Estimates
ConcernsAccident damage
SystemsAir Conditioning
ServicesInsurance Work, Dent Repairs, Panel Beating, Refinishing, Bumper Repairs, Collision Repairs, Panel Repairs, Collision Claims, Vehicle Painting, Chassis Straightening, Smash Repairs, Accident Management, Dent Removal, Painting
Year est.
About City Collision Repairs
You may have a small dent or perhaps an accident or collision has left your vehicle in need of repairs. CRC want to make sure you have access to a repair facility that meets rigid standards for workmanship, integrity and safety.
We are proud to provide you one of the largest, most technically advanced, eco-friendly panel and paint body shops in New Zealand. CRC's highly trained and qualified team are passionate about their profession and pride themselves on excellence.
CCR repairs cars, truck, boats, buses, motorbikes, helicopters... you name it, we can fix it!
Warrant of Fitness / WOF repairs to restoration - No job too BIG or small.
We also work with all insurance companies - it's your choice who repairs your car.
Please visit our website or call for more info.
CCR - 'Putting quality back on the road'.
What makes us different
Our technicians and estimators are trained and certified by I-CAR, the repair industry's leading training program.
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.