Chris Smith Glass Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 18:20 Auto Services 91 Riri Street Mangakakahi Rotorua 22 views Reference: 260821Location: 91 Riri Street Mangakakahi Rotorua
Click to get direction: 91 Riri Street Mangakakahi Rotorua
Contact Info(s):
O: 073485038
F: 073484514
Products and Services
VehiclesCars, Heavy Machinery, Trucks, Vans, Heavy Trucks, Utes
KindsAutomotive, Caravan, UV Protection
FeaturesDouble Glazed
PlacesKitchens, Bathrooms, Showers, En Suite Bathrooms
ServicesWindscreen Replacement, Insurance Inspection, Car Glass Repair, Car Glass, Vehicle Glass, Vehicle Glass Repair, Glass Replacement, Glass Repair, Repairs, Replacement, Hanging, Retrofit, Installation, Glazing, Fitting, Repairs, Replacement
ConcernsBreaks, Cracks, Chips, Cracks, Scratches
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Visit Us Online, Online Information
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
ProductsEntrance Windows, Ranch Sliders, Shower Doors, Glassware, Windows, Sliding Doors, Mirrors, Cat Doors, Doors, Exterior Windows, Splashbacks, Privacy Glass, Pet Doors, Windscreens
About Chris Smith Glass Ltd
At Chris Smith Glass Ltd, your local Rotorua glass specialists, we specialise in residential, commercial and industrial retro fit double glazing (wood and aluminium), window and door maintenance, colour splashbacks, frameless showers, kitchen splash backs, cat doors. glass balustrades,window tinting, mirrors, furniture glass and auto glass.
We're your one stop glass shop.
We also offer a 24 hour service. Call us today for a FREE quote.
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