Chris & Gail limited Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:37 Auto Services Lower Hutt 17 views Reference: 280603Location: Lower Hutt
Contact Info(s):
O: 0273916954
F: 0800497395
About Chris & Gail limited
Mobile Car Valet - At Your Place or Ours!
We are a professional valet cleaning service that provides you with a clean, vacuumed and polished car.
Our fantastic range of services include:
- Wash and vacuum
- Cut and polish
- Carpet and upholstery shampooing
- And more
We clean:
- Cars
- Station wagons
- Ute's
- Vans
- SUV's
- RUV's
- Coaches
- Boats
- Caravans
We cover all your valet needs at your place or ours.
Vehicles are cleaned with natural, scratch-free, spray-on and wipe-off liquid using soft microfibre materials that are safe for the car and we use no water.
To find out more or to book us, please give a call today.
car-valet-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
Mobile Car Valet - At Your Place or Ours!
We are a professional valet cleaning service that provides you with a clean, vacuumed and polished car.
Our fantastic range of services include:
Wash and vacuum
Cut and polish
Carpet and upholstery shampooing
And more
We clean:
Station wagons
We cover all your valet needs at your place or ours.
Vehicles are cleaned with natural, scratch-free, spray-on and wipe-off liquid using soft microfibre materials that are safe for the car and we use no water.
To find out more or to book us, please give a call today.