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Chiropractic Healthcare Mt Albert Professional

Sep 9th, 2022 at 23:31   Medical & Emergency   21 Kitenui Avenue Mount Albert Auckland 1025   35 views Reference: 9301

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0274759773

About Chiropractic Healthcare Mt Albert

Are you looking for a great Chiropractor? Chiropractic Healthcare Mt Albert specialises in all your chiropractic needs! At Chiropractic Healthcare Mt Albert, we understand that many people in our community suffer from numerous different conditions involving their skeletal and muscular systems. For this reason, we tailor a specific plan of action to meet your needs, goals and unique medical and physical condition. Dr Sharleen Adams belongs to the NZCA, and graduated with a Diploma of Applied Science, and Bacholor of Chiropractic. We have chiropractic care for the whole family... Chiropractic care can help everyone in the family, from infants to the elderly. You are never too young or too old to benefit from chiropractic care. Giving back to the community... Chiropractic Healthcare Mt Albert is active in the community, sponsoring an array of different sports teams and local schools. Specialising In Chiropractic Adjustments Trigger Point work ACC registered no referral required X-ray referral and analysis emergency after hours care available Give us a call today to arrange an appointment

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