Certa Engineering Ltd Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 17:40 Professional Services 70 Bloomfield Terrace Lower Hutt 30 views Reference: 275106Location: 70 Bloomfield Terrace Lower Hutt
Contact Info(s):
O: 045668004
F: 045668037
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
AssociationsChamber of Commerce
ServicesConstruction, Calculations, Reports, Draughting, Documentation, Assessments, Investigations
KindsGeotechnical, Structural, Architectural, Civil
Year est.
Parking options
Payment options
About Certa Engineering Ltd
Certa Engineers Ltd is a multi-disciplined New Zealand Company based in Lower Hutt City, with a satellite office on the Kapiti Coast.
Certa consults nationally in the disciplines of civil and structural design and is a specialist in earthquake analysis and design. Certa also has a building compliance division that specialises in building warrants of fitness and statutory compliance
What makes us different
We are your multi-disciplined contractors. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide practical, cost-effective solutions to residential, commercial, industrial and institutional customers. We strongly believe that collaboration is key to customer satisfaction.
Website: http://www.isp.co.nz
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