Central Group Forklifts & Trucks Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:31 Auto Services 10 Hutt Road Petone Lower Hutt 5012 25 views Reference: 280263Location: 10 Hutt Road Petone Lower Hutt 5012
Click to get direction: 10 Hutt Road Petone Lower Hutt 5012
Contact Info(s):
O: 045892137
F: 021538735
Mailing address
PO Box 44032 Lower Hutt 5045
About Central Group Forklifts & Trucks
In the Forklift Driver Training category, Central Group Forklifts & Trucks is located in the Wellington Region and are here to help. Check out Central Group Forklifts & Trucks today!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralgroupnz/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXxArhYSkgOPa2iojugJrwQ
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Seller Information
Central Group Forklifts & Trucks
Total Listing
About Seller
Central Group Forklifts & Trucks is proudly 100% NZ owned and operated and we service throughout the central to lower North Island as well as nationwide from Auckland to Canterbury.
We operate across 4 branches:
Palmerston North
Port of Wellington
Head Office in Lower Hutt
Central Group Forklifts & Trucks has an extensive nationwide dealer network offering:
Forklift Sales
Forklift Servicing
Forklift Rentals
Forklift Hire
Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all your forklift needs. We can recommend and supply the right solution for your forklift needs and.
All of our products with total support, including:
24/7 Customer Service
Planned Maintenance Programs
Fleet Management Systems
Operator Training
Central Group Forklifts & Trucks also services a wide variety of other vehicles and equipment of all makes, from:
Heavy Trucks
We're stockists of World Leading Brands, including:
HELI - Exclusive New Zealand distributor
TCM - Lower North Island dealer
Jungheinrich - Lower North Island dealer
Yale - Lower North Island dealer
Hyundai Trucks - Lower North Island dealer
Kevrek Cranes
Golf Carts
We are the lower North Island dealer for the Hyundai range of light commercial trucks.
Visit our website for more information or call now to discuss your requirements.