Central City Auto Repairs Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:32 Auto Services Servicing: Mount Cook 22 views Reference: 234536Location: Servicing: Mount Cook
Contact Info(s):
O: 043854641
About Central City Auto Repairs
Central City Auto Repairs specialises in offering 1st Class Service, Professional Advice and Fully Guaranteed Repairs. We are a one-stop automotive repair centre, there is no mechanical job too big or small.
Full Mechanical Service and Repairs including:
- Car Repairs
- Servicing
- Emission testing
- Cam belts
- Brakes
- Suspension
- Engines
- Turbos
- Transmissions
- Clutches
- And more
We are committed to providing quality customer service paired with professionalism and dedication to deliver the best possible vehicle service and complete customer satisfaction. Our team of experts is comprised of New Zealand Certified Mechanics with many years of experience in the Automotive Industry, who pride themselves on quality workmanship.
To find out more about our services and for queries, please visit us or give us a call today.
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