Carters tyre service Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:20 Auto Services Servicing: Invercargill Area 23 views Reference: 205256Location: Servicing: Invercargill Area
Contact Info(s):
O: 080042278377
F: 039481505
About Carters tyre service
When I started Carters Tyre Service more than 30 years ago, I wanted to offer something different. As a proud independent family business, we aim to provide the very best products and services for your tyres, wheels and suspension ensuring superior safety, performance and reliability for our customers vehicles and their fleets.
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Seller Information
About Seller
When I started Carters Tyre Service more than 30 years ago, I wanted to offer something different. As a proud independent family business, we aim to provide the very best products and services for your tyres, wheels and suspension ensuring superior safety, performance and reliability for our customers vehicles and their fleets.