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Carlyle Veterinary Clinic Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:11   Pet Services   139 Carlyle Street Napier 4110   28 views Reference: 223075

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Click to get direction: 139 Carlyle Street Napier 4110

Contact Info(s):

O: 068351096

F: 068358731

Opening hours


Products and Services


Puppies, Cats, Dogs, Birds


Vaccinations, Customising, Dog Walking, Veterinary Services


Dog Food, Dog Chews, Pet Food




Veterinary Hospitals


Injuries, Chewing Problems, Fleas, Wounds, Rashes, Dog Bites, Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Trauma, Death, Abscesses, Chewing Problems, Fleas, Rashes, Digging, Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Bites, Arthritis, Heart Disorders, Fleas, Disease, Rashes, Animal Bites, Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Bites

Service Options



Puppies, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Cats, Dogs, Kittens, Guinea Pigs




My Dog, Veterinary Medical Diets

Year est.


About Carlyle Veterinary Clinic

At Carlyle Vets we pride ourselves in being available without time pressure to discuss your needs and answer questions.

Our vets routinely discuss complicated cases with each other, which means that you get the benefit of 4 veterinarian's knowledge.
We invest heavily in the latest technology enabling our vets to have, at their fingertips, the most up to date equipment for both anaesthetic monitoring and surgery minimising the risk for your pet. Ultrasound, digital radiography, surgical and dental suite, blood pressure monitoring and comprehensive in clinic blood analysers means that pets coming to Carlyle Vets have the benefit of the latest technology combined with highly competent and experienced staff.

We stock the best foods available and staff are fully trained on all aspects of nutrition.

Our reception staff are friendly and helpful, ready to lend a hand with your pet. We aim to keep your waiting time to a minimum.

We have a nurse on reception at all times to ensure that you get appropriate and accurate answers to your questions. Our staff pride themselves in maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness from the waiting room throughout the practice, to the wards.

We are locally owned and operated and it is no wonder you get the 'family feeling' as we have a number of staff who have been with us for over 10 years. Extensive renovations of 'ye olde house' - rather than tearing it down and rebuilding - demonstrates our love of what Napier and it's people are about. The interior decoration is aimed at making you and more importantly your pet 'feel right at home'.

What makes us different

Carlyle Vets has a team of qualified and experienced staff who can help out your pet in all the situations. We pride ourselves in being available without time pressure to discuss your needs and answer questions.

Website: https://www.carlylevet.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarlyleVetClinic/photos_stream?tab=photos

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