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Car Wrecker NZ Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:06   Auto Services   6 Woodward Street Frankton Hamilton 3204   79 views Reference: 84542
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Servicing: Bay Of Plenty, Waikato Region

Tagline: Also known as: Atlas Auto Ltd t/a Atlas Auto Parts

Click to get direction: 6 Woodward Street Frankton Hamilton 3204

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800997000

F: 078466096

Opening hours


Products and Services


Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association


Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Panel Beaters

Vehicle Type

Imports, Domestic


Ute, Caravan


Tow Trucks, Toyota, Hilux, 4WD, Utes, Buses, Mitsubishi, Land Cruiser, Trucks, Nissan, Junk Cars, Wrecker, Vans, Cars, Hiace


Used Parts

Vehicle Features

AWD, 4WD, Manual, Automatic


Petrol, Diesel


Trucking Accidents, Vehicle Damage, Collisions, Car Accidents, Damage


Removal, Maintenance, Alternations, Dismantles, Dumping, Wreckers, Towing, Dismantling, Modifications




Locally Owned & Operated

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

GST Number



Available for customers


Waikato Chamber of Commerce
Waikato Chamber of Commerce

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Direct Debit
Bank Cheque

Mailing address

PO Box 5019 Frankton 3204

About Car Wrecker NZ

Car Wreckers - Cash for Cars - Car Dismantlers - Car Removals: Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Taranaki

Car Wrecker NZ is the leading car wreckers in New Zealand. We are providing wide range of services such as car wreckers, cash for cars, car dismantlers, car removals, car recyclers, etc.

We have services around Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Taranaki regions.

We have following wide range of services:
Car Wreckers, Car Removals, Car Dismantlers, Car Recyclers, Cash for Cars, Cash for Unwanted Cars, Cash For Junk Cars, Cash For Scrap Cars, Cash for Old Car, Cash For Truck, Auto Wreckers, Auto Dismantlers, Auto Removal, Damaged Vehicle Removal, Truck Wreckers, Truck Dismantlers, Truck Removal, Junk Car Removal, Scrap Car Removal, Auto JunkYard, Auto ScrapYard, Auto recyclers, Auto Wrecking Yard, Unwanted Car Removals, Dead Vehicle Removal, Used Auto Spare Parts, Used Tyres, Batteries, Car Parts, Second Auto Parts, etc

For more details Call us on 0800997000

What makes us different

Our process is straightforward and we have a friendly team. We will guide you through the process and will answer all your questions. We buy all types of vehicle such as Cars, SUVs 4WDs, Vans, Trucks, Buses, RVs etc. Since we are also known for providing stress-free and fast service to our customers.

Any Condition

We buy all makes and model in running or not-running condition. No matter!! in what condition such as unwanted, wrecked, old, scrap, de-registered, damaged, broken-down, no wof, no rego, dead or alive.

Superb Service

Our experienced professionals will guide you through the process and will answer all of your questions. We also do all the documentation and paperwork.

On Time

As per your scheduled date and time, our team will be there on time. Moreover, we understand the value of time and never let our customers wait. We commit to providing 100% satisfaction to our customers.

North Island Wide

From small towns to big cities, we tow your car from anywhere in Waikato & Bay of Plenty region at mutually agreed time and location free of charge in most cases also same-day removal service anywhere in Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Taranaki & Auckland region.

Website: https://www.atlasauto.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carwreckernewzealand

Twitter: https://twitter.com/carwreckernz

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atlasautoltd/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/3676910

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyBO65dMLNQyjx2TG4sqq4A

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