Car Therapy Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:31 Auto Services Plimmer Towers Carpark, 2 Gilmer Terrace Wellington 6011 26 views Reference: 234498Click to get direction: Plimmer Towers Carpark, 2 Gilmer Terrace Wellington 6011
Contact Info(s):
O: 044728279
F: 044731110
Mailing address
PO Box 6486 Marion Square Wellington 6141
About Car Therapy
We're About Convenience, Free Parking In The CBD, And Quality Work! Maintaining your vehicle is the most vital aspect of your car's performance, and at Car Therapy, we provide a full range of professional car-care services, so that you're able to keep your car running at its best.
Hi, Bob Chartres here. I have well over 50 years experience as a car mechanic and the knowledge will speak for itself. If there's something not right about your car, then bring it to us - we're more than happy to look at it and address your concerns.
Leave your car with us before you go in to work, and pick it up when you finish. Whatever the car issue - tyre, mechanical, maintenance, repair or WOF, drop by and talk to our friendly staff.
Give us a call, or send an email for enquiries Or just drive-in!
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.