Capital Tyres Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 21:08 Auto Services 70 Bryce Street Hamilton Central Hamilton 20 views Reference: 271273Servicing: Cambridge Area, Coromandel Area, Hamilton, Huntly Area, Matamata Area, Morrinsville Area, Te Awamutu Area, Te Kuiti Area, Thames Area, Tokoroa Area
Click to get direction: 70 Bryce Street Hamilton Central Hamilton
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800998973
F: 078394006
About Capital Tyres Ltd
Check us out FREE DELIVERY NATIONWIDE ON OUR TYRES AND MAGS with one of the largest range available online. On our website we have mag fitment guide making sure you fit the right product for the right car.
We are committed to offering you unbiased advice for your cars need. At Capital Tyres we offer a full range of wheel alignments carried out on on the latest four wheel computerized alignment machine. We recommend that your alignment is checked every 6 months or 10,000 km's to reduce tyre wear and prolong the life of your tyres.
Our alignments include a full suspesion and steering check as well as tyre psi and the nessesry adjustments to get your vehicle geometry into specification and running smoothly down the road.
- Free Customer Care Programme
- Finance available, conditions Apply
- Marshall Batteries
- Huge range of mag wheels
- Wide Range
- New Tyres
- Second Hand Tyres
- 30 Years in business
We sell:
TSW - Advanti - ROH - Enkei - Protech - BSA - Mak - Cragar - Centre Line - Darwin Racing -Koya
Toyo - Dunlop - Goodyear - Continental - Hankook - Nanking
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