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Capital City Ford Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:52   Auto Services   434 High Street Hutt Central Lower Hutt 5010   21 views Reference: 287585
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Servicing: Wellington Region

Click to get direction: 434 High Street Hutt Central Lower Hutt 5010

Contact Info(s):

O: 048028750

About Capital City Ford

We are a multi-award winning business that has been helping Wellington motorists find the perfect vehicle since 1923. Above all, providing our customers with an exceptional experience is what drives us to succeed and whether it be sales, servicing, finance or parts, our team of over 90 staff across three locations means we are accessible and well equipped to support your vehicle needs - right throughout the region.

Whether you are a business or an individual, we can provide you with a range of flexible finance and mechanical insurance options designed to protect your new vehicle. We can also trade your current vehicle in which will reduce the price of your new one; simply make contact with us or bring it in with you and we will carry out a valuation right away.

We are open 7 days a week, so feel free to phone us on the below number, send an online enquiry, or visit us in either Wellington or Paraparaumu.

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