Cairns Motors Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:33 Auto Services Servicing: Wellington Region 29 views Reference: 280419Location: Servicing: Wellington Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 049392247
About Cairns Motors
Cairns Motors specialises in full mechanical repairs and servicing. We guarantee all our work and stay within the quoted costs. We pride ourselves on providing a friendly & quality service.
Cairns Motors undertakes all mechanical repairs including:- Exhaust Systems- Servicing- WOF- Brakes- Clutches- Mechanical repairs- Petrol/Diesel Repairs& Parts - Suspension- Panel & Spray- Wheel Alignment- Tow Truck Services- Windsreens- Tyres
We welcome all Insurance Work and can organise pick ups and delivery. Cairns Motors provides reasonable rates with high quality workmanship. Call now for free quotes.
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
Cairns Motors specialises in full mechanical repairs and servicing. We guarantee all our work and stay within the quoted costs. We pride ourselves on providing a friendly & quality service.
Cairns Motors undertakes all mechanical repairs including:- Exhaust Systems- Servicing- WOF- Brakes- Clutches- Mechanical repairs- Petrol/Diesel Repairs& Parts - Suspension- Panel & Spray- Wheel Alignment- Tow Truck Services- Windsreens- Tyres
We welcome all Insurance Work and can organise pick ups and delivery. Cairns Motors provides reasonable rates with high quality workmanship. Call now for free quotes.