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C & R Surveyors Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:56   Professional Services   172A Centreway Road Orewa Auckland 0931   28 views Reference: 32015

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Servicing: Helensville Area, Hibiscus Coast, North Shore, West Auckland

Click to get direction: 172A Centreway Road Orewa Auckland 0931

Contact Info(s):

O: 094264051

F: 094269087

Opening hours


Products and Services


New Zealand Institute of Surveyors


Building Location Certificates




Resource Consents


Surveyors, Land Surveyors


Boundaries, Boundary Disputes, Building Setouts, Cross Leases


Easements, Land Title Surveys, Boundary Marking, Subdividing, Land Development, GPS Mapping, CAD, GIS Mapping, GPS Surveys, Landonline, Building Layouts, Topographic Surveys, Construction Layouts, Set Outs

Mailing address

PO Box 564 Orewa 0946

About C & R Surveyors Ltd

C & R Surveyors provides surveying services for a diverse range of projects. We pride ourselves on having built up a sound reputation for quality work. Being a small company, each project (both small and large) has a high level of Director involvement. Our staff are the most important part of C & R Surveyors. Being a small company, everyone has to have an integral role to play. We provide a multitude of services, including: Urban and rural subdivisions; crosslease and unit title surveys; topographic surveys; construction; engineering and building setout; boundary redefinition; height to boundary and maximum height certification; rentable areas (BOMA) and lease plans; photo control surveys; GPS surveys; asbuilt surveys and volume calculations. The C & R philosophy is simply to provide a quality service to our clients. Call today!

What makes us different

We are a small company and all our projects have a high level of Director involvement. We are located in the Rodney district and provide quality surveying services to our all clients.

Website: https://www.crsurveyors.co.nz

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