Butler Auto Mart Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:16 Auto Services Servicing: Canterbury Region 23 views Reference: 115203Location: Servicing: Canterbury Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 033898845
F: 033898830
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
PartsLocks, Mufflers, CV Boots, Air Filters, Cables, Brake Pads, Gaskets, Cam Bearings, Camshafts, Chassis, Alternators, Clutches, Control Cables, Mag Wheels, Shifters, Hoists, Engine Bearings, Brakes, Filters, Joints, Cylinders, Generators, CV Joints, Cambelts, Chains
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Butler Auto Mart Ltd
Butler Auto Mart have been in business since 1975 specialising in the supply of automotive parts and accessories. We have a very wide range of spares for the modern vehicle, but we also have a name throughout New Zealand for being able to source those hard to find parts for the older car which can be delivered anywhere in the country.
We have all Automotive Car Parts and Accessories. All vehicles, all makes and models. Providing great service and great prices.
So for all your automotive car parts needs, contact our friendly team today!
- Brake
- Clutch
- Cooling
- Electrical
- Engine
- Filters
- Fuel & Exhaust Systems
- Gaskets
- Steering & Drive Line
- Suspension
- Timing
Auto Accessories
- Auto Electrical
- Batteries
- cleaning
- Lubricants
- Oil
- Paint
- Security
- Stereos
- Tools
- Trailer Equipment
Hire Equipment
- Chains
- Engine Equipment
- Engine Lifters
- Home & Garden
- Heavy Equipment
- Pullers
- Socket Sets
- Shelving
- Steam Cleaner
- Hire Tools
- Trailers
Performance & Racing
- Autometer
- K&N
- Redline
What makes us different
We are experts in the supply of car parts and accessories. Our range is supreme and we can cater for all varieties of cars and specialise in difficult to find parts.
Website: http://www.butlerautomart.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/butlerautomart
automotive-partsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.