Bumper Replacements (NZ) Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 20:41 Auto Services Servicing: Amberley Area, Ashburton Area, Cheviot Area, Christchurch, Culverden Area, Darfield Area, Kaikoura Area, Rangiora Area 26 views Reference: 105109Contact Info(s):
O: 033656186
F: 0800286737
Opening hours
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Products and Services
VehiclesTrucks, Vans, Cars, Boats, 4WD, Cars
ItemsFairings, Tanks, Bumpers, Bins, Grilles, Body Kits, Containers, Tanks, Bumpers, Water Tanks, Headlights, Bumpers
Markets ServedMarine, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Commercial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial
PartsFilters, Engines, Gearboxes, Clutches, Headlights, CV Joints, Body Panels, Brakes
ProductsFlares, Vans
MaterialsPlastic, Chrome, Brass, Gold, Nickel, Silver, Stainless Steel, Zinc, Copper
ServicesWelding, Restoration, Repairs, Restoration, Repairs, Welding, Polishing, Electroplating, Stripping, Restoration, Galvanising, Electropolishing, Repairs, Moulding
Price InformationSecond Hand, Free Appraisals
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
AssurancesOwner Operated, Guaranteed
Year est.
Payment options
About Bumper Replacements (NZ) Ltd
With over 70 years experience in the Automotive and Electroplating industry, we are experts in Plastic & Steel Bumper Repairs. Call us at Bumper Replacements for all your Electroplating & Polishing requirements, as well as for Plastic Welding and Repairs.
To learn more about us, please click on the above weblink to go through to our website.
We at Bumper Replacements pride ourselves on the experience and skill of our electroplating team. We've been successfully electro-polishing stainless steel for the last 20 years. All our polishers and electroplaters are trained and experienced, with many having more than 10 years service here at Bumper Replacements.
We specialise in copper, nickel and chrome plating, and also in hand polishing and/or electro polishing of stainless steel fittings. We have developed specialist expertise in the marine, furniture, and automobile parts industries. Of course we also handle, tube and general electroplating.
We have developed highly successful techniques providing excellent results for the dairy, marine, food & beverage and automotive components industries. The car today has high plastic content, which can often be repaired with no strength loss. Not only can we repair, the most obvious plastic item - the bumper, we can also repair headlamp housings, grilles and interior mouldings which also are generally made of plastic.
Send us an email for enquiries, or give us a call!
What makes us different
We've spent 70+ years in the Automotive/Electroplating industry, developing our expertise in repairing plastic and steel bumpers. Visit any one of our five NZ branches for a guaranteed high standard of work and service. Our polishers and electroplaters are well trained and experienced as we're the largest repairer and electroplater of steel bumpers in the country.
Website: http://www.bumper.co.nz
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