Budget Tyres Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 21:16 Auto Services 58 Greenwood Street Hamilton 32 views Reference: 272079Location: 58 Greenwood Street Hamilton
Click to get direction: 58 Greenwood Street Hamilton
Contact Info(s):
O: 078473885
About Budget Tyres Ltd
Budget Tyres are the ones to see about a great range of new and premium used tyres at great prices! In addition to a great range, you'll enjoy their speed and efficiency, you'll be in and out before you know it!
At Budget Tyres we rotate your tyres free of charge. This maximises the lifespan of your tyres. Open 7 days a week for your convenience, so if you need tyres or a wheel alignment, a puncture repair or mag wheel repairs, the team at Budget are here to help.
We stock a wide range of tyres including:
- Pirelli
- Hancook
- GT Radials
- Nankang
- Aellous
- Achillies
- Newton
- Kingstar
Budget Tyres Ltd are always, cheaper - we'll beat any written quote! Give us a call, drop by to view our range; or visit our website for more information today.
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