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Buckton Consulting Surveyors Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:18   Professional Services   Servicing: Auckland Region, Northland   29 views Reference: 17941

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Contact Info(s):

O: 094258950

F: 094258956

Opening hours


Products and Services


Planning, Boundary Marking, Subdividing, Land Development, GPS Mapping, Subdivision Design, Building Development, Resource Management, Cadastral Mapping, Lease Surveys, GPS Surveys, Advice, Landonline, Consulting, Set Outs, Topographic Surveys


Resource Consents


Surveyors, Land Surveyors


Boundaries, Boundary Disputes, Unit Titles, Cross Leases


Subdivisions, Multi-lot Subdivisions

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

About Buckton Consulting Surveyors

Buckton Consulting Surveyors are a land surveying company dealing in all aspects of land survey and land development surveying. We are Registered Professional Surveyors specialising in Land Subdivision, Land Developments and Resource Management.

In understanding your Land Surveying requirements, we pride ourselves in providing services that are timely and accurate, with emphasis on keeping our clients satisfied.

We invite you to consider using Buckton Consulting Surveyors Ltd when you require a surveyor for your next survey or land development project.

What makes us different

Buckton Consulting Surveyors Ltd have over 50 years of experience as surveyors. This has given us an excellent understanding of client relationships and requirements, as well as a deep knowledge of the industry and the wider regional area. Please feel free to contact us today to discuss how we can use our expertise to help you.

Website: http://www.buckton.co.nz

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