Bruce Thomson Motor Bodies (2012) Ltd Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:35 Auto Services Servicing: Lower Hutt City, Wellington City 25 views Reference: 280501Contact Info(s):
O: 049398870
F: 049398871
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
VehiclesTrucks, Cars, Cars
TradesPanel Beaters
PartsChassis, Panelling
Insurance AcceptedAMI Insurance, State, NZI
FacilitiesBake Oven
Payment OptionsEFTPOS
ConcernsHail Damage, Dents, Scratches, Accidents, Collisions, Dents, Scuffs, Rust
ServicesRefinishing, Painting, Collision Claims, Vehicle Painting, Touch-ups, Insurance Work, Panel Beating, Buffing, Repairs, Touch-ups, Rustproofing, Colour Matching, Finishing, Paint Protection, Stripping, Buffing, Detailing
Service OptionsFree Quotes, Online Services
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Family Owned & Operated, Guaranteed, Over 20 Years Experience, Owner Operated
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About Bruce Thomson Motor Bodies (2012) Ltd
Bruce Thomson Motor Bodies is a reputable collision repairer with over 28 years experience.Our friendly team is customer focused offering top quality workmanship. We are members of the CRA, Collision Repair Association, so your assurance for quality workmanship is guaranteed. We repair all makes and models from cars, utes to 4wd's and everything in between.
- Services we offer:
All Insurance Work
Spray Painting
Rust Repairs
Mag and Bumper Repairs
*WOF Repairs
All our staff are qualified and upskill via I-Car New Zealand
To talk to an expert, call us today. We can provide you a computerised estimate with a digital image. Courtesy car /loan car available if required.
- We provide fast, friendly, and professional service.
- We can arrange local pick up & delivery.
- We work with all insurance companies.
Give us a call today. Or just call in! We're located on 18 Seaview Road, Seaview.
Richard Hopgood
Owner Operator
What makes us different
We are panel beaters for all panel repairs in the Wellington region. We can provide you with a free computerised estimate with a digital image. Courtesy car /loan car available if required. Call us today to make your car like new again.
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.