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Bruce Kempton Filtration Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:45   Industry & Manufacturing   Servicing: Alexandra Area, Dunedin, Lawrence Area, Milton Area, Palmerston Area, Roxburgh Area   32 views Reference: 162387

0.0 star

Contact Info(s):

O: 034898790

F: 034891122

Products and Services

Markets Served

Marine, Industrial


Grease, Synthetic Oil, Lubricating Oil, Oil, Hydraulic, Aviation, Coolant

About Bruce Kempton Filtration

At Bruce Kempton Filtration, we stock the widest range of filtration products available in New Zealand and we are able to find solutions to your needs, seven days a week. Our customised computer system allows us to easily manage your fleet of vehicles, whether it consist of two or two hundred vehicles.

We stock a wide range of filtration products for cars, trucks (including Japanese imports), heavy equipment and machinery, aviation refueling, marine situations, industrial uses and household filtration. For more information about specific applications browse through the filtration section of our Website.

We are proud to be authorised distributors of the Castrol range lubricants. Visit the lubrication section of our Website to view the full product range. If you are having difficulty finding the right oil for your vehicle you can use Castrols product recommendation tool from our site.

Visit our Website for more information, or feel free to contact us to discuss any requirements you may have.

What makes us different

We specialise a wide range of Filters and Filtration for all kinds of applications. Our expert staff will provide you with reliable and individualised service. Once you become a regular customer with us, we have reliable systems in place to ensure that you get the right product to fit with your deadline.

Website: http://www.bkfilters.co.nz

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