Brian Roberts Towing Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 06:07 Auto Services Servicing: Manukau City, Papakura Area, Pukekohe Area, Waiuku Area 30 views Reference: 44840Contact Info(s):
O: 096340608
F: 092371181
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
KindsLight Duty, Heavy Duty, Medium Duty Trucks
Vehicle Features4WD, Manual, Automatic
Service AreasNationwide, Regional, Local, Community
ConcernsTrucking Accidents, Collisions, Car Accidents, Robbery, Flat Tyres, Accidents, Breakdowns, Slip & Fall Accidents, Dead Batteries
Service Options24 Hour Service, Insurance Work
ServicesWarrant of Fitness, Jump Starts, Panel Beating, Recovery, Repairs, Lifting, Vehicle Painting, Accident Recovery, Tune-ups, Painting
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned
Year est.
About Brian Roberts Towing
At Brian Roberts Towing, we specialise in all types of towing services. Our well serviced and efficient fleet of trucks with Qualified Drivers attend to your towing needs in the Pukekohe area. We specialise in Heavy Haulage, Panel Paint, Diesel Repairs and many more services.
Our services include:
- Breakdown or Accident Towing
- Winching
- Secure Storage
- NZ Wide Vehicle Transport
- Professional trained/Qualified drivers
- Two Yards, Pukekohe & Auckland
We also have heavy haulage division and car body removal division to pick up dead cars. We specialise in all types of towing and provide 24/7 emergency towing and secure vehicle storage.
For more information and for queries, please visit our website or give us a call today.
What makes us different
Operating since 1981, Brian Roberts Panel & Paint has the equipment and experience to help you with all your diesel engine repair needs. If you need towing, we have forklifts, tractors, hiab trucks, and winch trucks. And once we have your vehicle, we can repair, service, panel beat, and paint it back into shape.
breakdown-towingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.