Botany Honda Motorcycles Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 19:59 Auto Services 9 Trugood Drive East Tamaki Auckland 2013 18 views Reference: 58063Servicing: Auckland Region
Click to get direction: 9 Trugood Drive East Tamaki Auckland 2013
Contact Info(s):
O: 092742727
F: 092651830
About Botany Honda Motorcycles
When looking for an Auckland company who are the expert in the sales and repair of motorcycles, make Botany Honda Motorcycles your number one choice!
Established in 2005, Botany Honda Motorcycles has serviced and repaired many makes and models of motorcycles.
A family run business, with staff that all ride or race, on or off road. As an active dealership, we get involved in events and rides around the country, often taking demo bikes for customers to test ride.
Motorcycle Repair, Service, Parts, Maintenance, WOF
Standard service & safety check:
From $199 Single cylinder road bikes / From $299 Multi cylinder road bikes
From $180 Dirt bikes
- Oil change
- Filter change
- Fluid levels
- Chain adjustment & lube
- Plus full safety check
Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair:
- Road or dirt bike fork seals: replacement or service from $299
- Specialised equipment to overhaul forks
- Specific tools for steering head overhauls
- Tyre sales, change, tube repair - road and dirt bikes
- Farm bike and ATV service & repair
- Honda Power Equipment service & repair
We can also source parts for most makes and model of motorcycle, scooter and ATV (quad).
Motorcycle Sales
Botany Honda Motorcycles provide a large range of new and used Honda motorcycles and scooters, plus used motorcycles of various brands to suit all needs and budgets. Finance and motorcycle insurance available too.
Gear and Accessories:
We carry a full range of Motorcycle riding / racing gear for road and dirt bike riders. Whether you require wet weather gear, riding gear, heated grips, helmet intercoms, security systems, luggage or tank protectors - we have you fully covered. Our dirt rider gear is ideal for BMX and MTB riders also.
Motorcycle Hire
Are you wanting a motorcycle to go touring on, or need a bike just for the day? Speak to our team about or hire service available.
Simply visit our website today for more information or give our friendly team a call - we look forward to hearing from you soon!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.