Bolt Batteries Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:28 Auto Services 18 Gregory Street Naenae Lower Hutt 28 views Reference: 279911Location: 18 Gregory Street Naenae Lower Hutt
Tagline: Also known as: Panpac Distributors Limited
Click to get direction: 18 Gregory Street Naenae Lower Hutt
Contact Info(s):
O: 0272712888
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Markets ServedAgricultural, Residential, Commercial, Industrial
ServicesRepairs, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Rewiring, Customising, Custom Work, Installation
Uses4WD, Vans, Toyota, Vehicles, Buses, Cars
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
Year est.
Mailing address
609 Great South Road Manukau Auckland 2104
About Bolt Batteries
If you are looking for Automotive, Marine or Deep Cycle batteries, then you've come to the right place! BOLT Batteries offers high performance batteries for all vehicle types.
Quality is very important to us & we take great pride in producing batteries that are capable of competing with the world's best. BOLT Batteries are manufactured at Pacific Batteries Ltd in Fiji since 1965. Pacific Batteries Ltd is an ISO9001 certified company capable of Design, Development, Manufacturing and Marketing of Lead-acid batteries for Automotive, Deep Cycle and Marine Applications.
Our Low-Maintenance & Maintenance-Free Batteries can be used for wide range of applications that includes:
- Passenger Cars, SUVs & Trucks
- Commercial Trucks & Buses
- Heavy Industrial Vehicles
- Marine Vehicles/ Boats
- VRLA Batteries
- Golf Carts
- Solar & Other Applications
Visit our website for more information or call the experienced & professional team at BOLT Batteries today to discuss your battery requirements.
For better quality batteries at excellent prices & services call our team today!!
What makes us different
BOLT Batteries provides high performance automotive batteries, delivering endurance plus calcium technology, high cranking power and high reserve capacity.
At all levels of the organisation, everyone understands that we all have a role to play in delivering a battery that is capable of competing with the world's best.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.