BOBBI HEMI Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:27 Auto Services Wellington 19 views Reference: 234299Location: Wellington
Contact Info(s):
O: 043806486
F: 0297789734
Welcome to Bridgestone Tyre Centre, where your journey is our passion!
Located in Miramar, we are your local tyre solution supplying a well-known and reliable brand name. We offer customers the most suitable tyres for their vehicle.
Our focus is to understand your tyre requirements and give you the best options. Whether you're after comfort, performance or durability, we have the tyres to enhance your driving experience.
We also have a tyre repair service which includes wheel alignments and tyre supplies available for purchase. Our experienced and qualified staff will have your vehicle safely back on the road in no time!
For premium tyres and excellent service contact Bridgestone Tyre Centre of Miramar today for all your tyre needs!
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