Blueprint Diesel Co. Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:20 Auto Services 62G Greenmount Drive East Tamaki Auckland 2141 28 views Reference: 85899Click to get direction: 62G Greenmount Drive East Tamaki Auckland 2141
Contact Info(s):
F: 092710372
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
PartsCrankshafts, Cylinders, Air Filters
Markets ServedAgricultural, Commercial
Price InformationBuy Sell & Trade
UsesCompaction Equipment, Construction Equipment
ServicesRepairs, Engine Rebuilding, Diesel Engine Repairs, Engineering, Diagnostics
Service OptionsConsultations
AssurancesFactory Authorised
Mailing address
PO Box 58185 Botany Auckland 2163
About Blueprint Diesel Co. Ltd
New Zealand market leaders for DEUTZ Diesel Engines, Blueprint Diesel Company Ltd represents a number of leading global brands, the principal being DEUTZ - The engine company. Our reputation is based on providing the best sales and service back up to our customers.
Blueprint Diesel personnel love what we do. With over 20 years industry experience, we have high energy and positivity and if we say we will do something, you can take our word for it. Our team is made up of highly skilled and qualified mechanical engineers who have received world-class training - We are the only Deutz key dealer in New Zealand that has trained to Tier IV Final.
Blueprint Diesel Company Limited are authorised key dealers for DEUTZ The engine company, Chicago Pneumatic - Compressed Air Solutions, Volvo Penta - Industrial engines, and Motorpal - Diesel fuel injection equipment.
We have full workshop facilities and also provide nationwide, on-site service. Our professional, skilled team offer a fully comprehensive call out service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What makes us different
We provide a fully comprehensive 24 hour 7 days a week call out service anywhere in the country. Our workshop is well equipped with modern facilities and we have a team of highly skilled and qualified mechanical engineers. Book a free consultation now.
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