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Bloxam Burnett & Olliver Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 03:38   Professional Services   18 London Street Hamilton Central Hamilton 3204   29 views Reference: 238439
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Click to get direction: 18 London Street Hamilton Central Hamilton 3204

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800226583

F: 078380144

Opening hours


Products and Services


New Zealand Institute of Surveyors


Roads, Roadways, Streets


Certificate of Title


Land Title Surveys, Geotechnical, Communications, Structural, Transportation, Topographic Surveys, Environmental, Architectural, Civil, Survey


Vehicles, Trafic




Civil Engineers, Land Surveyors, City & Town Planner, Land Development Engineers, Engineers, Engineers, Civil Engineers, Planning Consultants, Surveyors, Land Surveyors, City & Town Planner, Planners, Engineers

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Commercial




Boundary Disputes, Boundaries, Groundwater, Contamination, Groundwater

Service Options

Consultations, Quotes, Consultations




Surveying, Mapping, Environmental Assessments, Consulting, Feasibility Studies, Resource Consent Compliance, Planning, Environmental Consulting, Management, Strategic Planning, Assessments, Civil Engineering, Pegging, Staking, Title Searches, Resource Management, Subdividing, Land Title Surveys, Mapping, Consulting, Engineering, Set Outs, CAD, Subdivision Design, GPS Surveys, Cadastral Mapping, Level Surveys, Landonline, Topographic Surveys, Land Development, Project Management, Planning, Boundary Marking, Surveying, Consulting, Surveys, Design, Management, Land Development, Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring, Consulting, Advice, Auditing, Impact Studies, Environmental Investigations, Analysis, Environmental Consulting, Expert Witnesses, Assessments, Environmental Planning, Monitoring, Surveying, Investigations, Development, Consulting, Planning, Construction, Design, Assessments, Documentation, Ground Improvement, Foundation Boring, Assessments, Consulting, CAD, Reports, Land Remediation, Management, Investigations, Groundwater Testing, Draughting, Maintenance, Installation, Construction, Assembly, Design, Land Development, Development, Groundwater Sampling, Evaluations, Calculations

Price Information

Commercial Accounts, Contract Rates




Subdivisions, Subdivisions, Subdivisions

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Engineering New Zealand (IPENZ)
Engineering New Zealand (IPENZ)
Association of Consulting Engineers NZ Inc (ACENZ)
Association of Consulting Engineers NZ Inc (ACENZ)

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

Mailing address

PO Box 9041 Hamilton 3240

About Bloxam Burnett & Olliver

Bloxam Burnett Olliver are a full-service consultancy that offers comprehensive planning, surveying and engineering services. Our team of recognised experts deliver superior solutions spanning civil and structural engineering, resource management, urban planning, surveying and contract procurement.

Integrating technical excellence, innovation, aggressive leadership and outstanding service with experience spanning 16 years has enabled Bloxam Burnett & Olliver to set itself apart.

  • Planning
  • Structural
  • Procurement
  • Surveying

All with a focus on meeting and exceeding our clients expectations.

Visit our website or call us today!

What makes us different

We are a New Zealand based multi-disciplinary company of consulting engineers, planners and surveyors. We have a highly skilled team of professionals with over 16 years experience who have built up a reputation in New Zealand and overseas for providing cost effective, innovative, and practical solutions to complex problems. Call us today to discuss your next project.

Website: http://bbo.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BloxamBurnettOlliver/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bloxam-burnett-&-olliver

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