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BlockBlueLight NZ Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 03:52   Medical & Emergency   58 Roy Hilton Drive Flagstaff Hamilton 3210   16 views Reference: 239859

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Click to get direction: 58 Roy Hilton Drive Flagstaff Hamilton 3210

Contact Info(s):

O: 0274186619

About BlockBlueLight NZ

We specialise in providing quality blue light blocking glasses, blue blocking lighting solutions such as light bulbs, night lights, amber book lights, and other items to support sleep such as 100% light blocking sleep masks.
With so many people now on screens and devices more than ever its extremely important we protect our eyes from digital eye strain, headaches / migraines, and even anxiety which are all caused by over exposure to blue light these devices emit.
We also specialise and providing products to help people achieve deep and restful sleep by removing the exact frequencies of light required after dark to optimally produce melatonin for restorative sleep and health. We have helped so many kiwis fix long term insomnia and get quality sleep and start feeling great!
From our humble beginnings to now being recognised as one of the most trusted brands and leaders in all things blocking blue light technology. We have proudly retained our personal approach to each customer, whether you have questions on blue light, health, or any of our products we are always available to chat

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