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Blind Boutique Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 03:59   Home Services   Level 1, 6/100 Emerson Street Napier South Napier 4110   29 views Reference: 130523

0.0 star

Servicing: Hawkes Bay

Click to get direction: Level 1, 6/100 Emerson Street Napier South Napier 4110

Contact Info(s):

O: 0223697626

About Blind Boutique

Blind Boutique, Hawkes Bay's Leading supplier for Blinds, Shutters & Awnings

Established in 1989, Blind Boutique is committed to quality, style and uncompromising customer service. 


Blind Boutique aims to satisfy the needs of customers, designers and architects for quality, innovative and contemporary window fashion solutions. Blind Boutique offers a diverse range of solutions to both commercial and residential properties.

Blind Boutique is now open in Hawke's Bay.

Blind Boutique is now servicing Napier, Hastings, Havelock North and the wider Hawke's Bay area. We are 100% locally owned and operated.

Whether introductory options like Roller Blinds, Vertical Blinds or Venetian Blinds, mid-range solutions like Duette (Honeycomb or Cellular) Shades or Shutters, more exclusive window treatments like Silhouettes or Luminettes, outdoor products like Retractable canvas Awnings and Patio Screens, the situation is the same. Finishing solutions come at the end of a build or renovation project when the budget limits are already being stretched.

Blind Boutique's philosophy is a simple one; Blind Boutique can offer competitively priced Blinds, Shutters and Awnings without compromising quality by keeping the business small and overheads low.

With over 30 years of experience in the industry and knowledge passed down through 3 generations, Blind Boutique truly are a family owned and operated company with the expertise to match the correct product with your specific requirements.




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