Blenheim Toyota Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:48 Auto Services 21 Main Street Blenheim 7201 27 views Reference: 158803Location: 21 Main Street Blenheim 7201
Click to get direction: 21 Main Street Blenheim 7201
Contact Info(s):
O: 035784319
F: 035780570
Products and Services
AssociationsMotor Trade Association
Vehicle TypeImports, Imports
AssurancesInsurance Approved, Genuine Parts, Insured, Warranties, Insured, Warranties, Insured, Warranties
Markets ServedCommercial
Vehicles4WD, Hatchbacks, Cars, Sedans, Trucks, Station Wagons, Ford
Vehicle Features4WD, Automatic, Power Steering, Power Windows, Manual, FWD
FacilitiesAuto Machine Shops, Garage, Auto Machine Shops, Auto Machine Shops, Garage
PartsAir Pumps, Air Brakes, Air Filters, Fuel Tanks, Carburettors, Fuel Injectors, Brake Pads, Engine Bearings, Adapters, CV Joints, Camshafts, Batteries, Brake Shoes, Alternators, Air Pumps, Air Brakes, Air Filters, Fuel Tanks, Carburettors, Batteries, Fuel Injectors, Brake Pads, Ball Joints, Trim, Engine Bearings, Pistons, Adapters, Camshafts, CV Joints, Brake Shoes, Alternators, Fuel Tanks, Fuel Injectors, Alternators, Engine Bearings, Brake Pads, Pumps, Windscreens, Brakes
SystemsTruck Transmissions, Air Conditioning, Climatrol
MaterialsRubber, Windscreens, Automotive Windows, Rear Windows
Price InformationSecond Hand
Vehicle StyleHatchbacks, Sedans, Station Wagons, Hatchbacks, Sedans, Station Wagons
MakesTown & Country, Toyota, Daihatsu
About Blenheim Toyota
At Blenheim Toyota, we provide the best in value and service for all your motoring needs.
We complete an extensive range of automotive repairs for all makes and models of Toyota vehicles. As one of Toyota's fastest growing dealerships, we are here to give you the best experience we can.
Here at Blenheim Toyota, we provide a range of reliable services including:
- All makes & models (New and Used)
- All qualified & certified tradespeople
- Latest quality equipment & repairs
We are Marlborough's oldest member of the Collision Repair Association.
Contact our friendly team today with any enquiries; you can also visit us online for more information.
What makes us different
We believe in being efficient and prompt in our services. Daily orders to our National Parts Distribution Centre in Palmerston North ensures that we maintain a stock of comprehensive range of automotive parts for all makes and models of Toyota vehicles.
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