Blackwell Motors Limited Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:48 Auto Services 9 Waterloo Road Sockburn Christchurch 26 views Reference: 94256Location: 9 Waterloo Road Sockburn Christchurch
Servicing: Canterbury Region
Click to get direction: 9 Waterloo Road Sockburn Christchurch
Contact Info(s):
O: 033795500
Mailing address
PO Box 16480 Hornby Christchurch 8441
About Blackwell Motors Limited
Blackwells is one of the largest independently owned motor companies in New Zealand. It offers an extensive range of Holden, Mazda, Isuzu Trucks and HSV vehicles. It also offers vehicle sales, vehicle parts, servicing and paint and panel repairs.
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Seller Information
Blackwell Motors Limited
Total Listing
About Seller
Blackwells is one of the largest independently owned motor companies in New Zealand. It offers an extensive range of Holden, Mazda, Isuzu Trucks and HSV vehicles. It also offers vehicle sales, vehicle parts, servicing and paint and panel repairs.