Big Noise Group Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 04:03 Auto Services 501 Heretaunga Street West Hastings 4122 19 views Reference: 130902Location: 501 Heretaunga Street West Hastings 4122
Servicing: Hawkes Bay
Click to get direction: 501 Heretaunga Street West Hastings 4122
Contact Info(s):
O: 068769661
About Big Noise Group Ltd
We are still operating from these premises today with a showroom featuring a large range of quality products.
Car Audio: Alpine, JBL, JVC, Sony, Nakamichi, Kenwood, Infinity
Car Security: AVS, Mongoose, Alarms and GPS tracking
We have workshop facilities installing: Car Audio, Dash Kits, Car Alarms, GPS Trackers, Lights, Parking Sensors, Reverse Cameras, Hands Free Kits, Automotive & Flat Glass Tinting.
No job too big or small
Advantages of Appointing Us as your Supplier and Installer :
Specialist car audio, only using the best products an suppliers.
We offer an extensive range of Car Audio with a large selection of quality brands surpassing all others in excellence.
A full range of car security systems, including insurance rated alarms.
Tinting of Vehicles to approved WOF standards. Using films with a lifetime warranty.
Flat Glass Tinting (Homes) covering a wide range of tints to cover your specific needs with a life time warranty.
Warranties on all work.
Provide professional and efficient service.
Big Noise, considers itself well qualified to meet your requirements. We have been servicing the bay for over 30 years. Contact us today.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.