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Belair Mitsubishi Wreckers Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 06:08   Auto Services   20 Westbrook Avenue Takanini Auckland 1703   26 views Reference: 44907

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Click to get direction: 20 Westbrook Avenue Takanini Auckland 1703

Contact Info(s):

O: 092696082

Opening hours


Products and Services


Dismantles, Dismantling


Lancer, Outlander




Mirrors, Wheels, Car Stereos, Headlights, Doors, Stereos, Seats, Taillights, Motors, Clutches, Bonnets



Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Belair Mitsubishi Wreckers

We Eat, Sleep And Breathe Mitsubishi! We're one of NZ's leading Mitsubishi wreckers and suppliers (plus providing nationwide delivery) of new and used Mitsubishi Car Parts!

We've been directly involved in recycling Mitsubishi auto parts for over 15 years. Since that time, we have built a wealth of knowledge in all areas from purchasing salvage vehicles, through to dismantling & stock control, and pricing & dispatch.

Our aim at Belair is to supply you the Mitsubishi part that you require. And with heaps and heaps of available stock, we will do everything to provide a solution to your part-searching exercise.

We also dismantle Mitsi cars for parts. We specialise in recycling Mitsubishi spare parts for Outlander, Lancer and any other model passenger cars.

Contact us today with your Mitsubishi parts problem, and we'll be more than happy to help!

Best regards,
Scott Rumball

What makes us different

We are New Zealand's premiere destination for Mitsubishi wrecks and new and used parts. We specialise in all aspects of Mitsubishi, so if there is a part you need, we aim to source is with the least amount of inconvenience. We also dismantle and have an extensive range of stock and we offer comprehensive solutions to your part requirements. To talk to the specialists, call Belair Mitsubishi Wreckers today.

Website: http://www.belairmitsi.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Belar.mitsi/?fref=ts

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