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BDO Central (NI) Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:57   Professional Services   86 Station Street Napier 4110   28 views Reference: 118408

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Click to get direction: 86 Station Street Napier 4110

Contact Info(s):

O: 068353364

F: 068353388

Opening hours


Products and Services


Individuals, Corporations


Tax Advisors, Tax Auditors

Markets Served

Residential, Commercial



Service Options

Visit Us Online


Compliance, Forecasting, Database Management, Investment Management, Tax Advice, Registrations, Auditing, Forensic Investigations


Inland Revenue Department

Year est.


Mailing address

PO Box 944 Napier 4140

About BDO Central (NI)

BDO is unlike other accounting organisations.

We are a network of 12 independently owned accounting practices, with 14 offices from Keri Keri to Invercargill the largest reach of any firm in New Zealand.

So no matter where you are, we are close by and can deliver the service you need and the value you expect.

Who are our clients?

Our clients are the SMEs and mid-market businesses that drive the New Zealand economy. We appreciate their vital role and specific business issues. As the 'voice of the mid-market', we strive to represent our clients views with key government and industry bodies.

Our Approach:

  • We offer the best of both worlds - personal relationship-driven approach of a local firm and the expertise of a large international firm. Our partner-led Delivery means your partner intimately understands your business, your issues and plans and consequently has the level of insight needed to meet, if not exceed, your expectations.

We value all our clients as individuals. In turn, they say it is our attitude and approach that makes us different.

What makes us different

At BDO Central (NI), we provide you with accountants and auditors who can assist you with your financial management. We provide professional advice and services that will boost the standing of your business and personal finance.

Website: https://www.bdo.nz/en-nz/home

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