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Bays Podiatry Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:23   Medical & Emergency   8 Tamariki Avenue Orewa   32 views Reference: 251348

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Click to get direction: 8 Tamariki Avenue Orewa

Contact Info(s):

O: 094264087

F: 0272247056

Mailing address

8 Tamariki Ave Avenue Orewa 0931

About Bays Podiatry

Considering the work our feet do, most people take little notice of them. That is until something goes wrong, and they begin to hurt. If you are suffering from foot pain, the best thing you can do is seek professional help.

Paul Hames is the trusted podiatrist servicing the North Shore with years of experience. He treats clients of all ages who have all manner of foot and ankle problems, whether it is foot or walking problems in children, or overuse injuries caused by physical activity in the adult. These recurring conditions can be easily and painlessly catered to with a general treatment session.

Why choose Paul Hames for your Podiatry Needs?

Eighteen years consistent service.
Post-Grad Dipl (Sports Medicine) 2010.
NZ Society of Podiatry member /Board certified.
Participant of the Podiatry Student mentoring programme.
Contracted with ACC as a funded orthotic's prescriber for ACC clients.

So pick up the phone and make an appointment with Bays Podiatry today. We are located at Life Pharmacy, 8 Tamariki Avenue, Orewa or 2 Sunrise Avenue, Mairangi Bay.

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