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Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:30   Medical & Emergency   57 Fraser Street Tauranga South Tauranga 3112   29 views Reference: 80950

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Click to get direction: 57 Fraser Street Tauranga South Tauranga 3112

Contact Info(s):

O: 075779790


ay Hand Therapy has been providing quality hand therapy services in the Bay of Plenty for over 10 years.

Hand therapy is the advanced assessment and treatment of hand, wrist, and elbow injuries by physiotherapists or occupational therapists who have undergone extensive post-graduate training.

Our team of passionate hand therapists have over 45 years of combined hand therapy experience. We are well-equipped to provide advanced and up to date rehabilitation for our patients, helping them achieve an optimal outcome from their injuries.

We have a close working relationships with hand surgeons, general practioners, and other physiotherapists and health professionals. We accept referrals from these professionals, but also accept self-referrals and are able to fill out ACC claims forms on your behalf (in the case of an accident related injury).

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