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Bay Blinds Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:48   Home Services   Kawerau   20 views Reference: 64674

0.0 star

Location: Kawerau

Contact Info(s):

O: 075787794

F: 0800229254

About Bay Blinds

The Bay Blinds factory showroom is open direct to the public, with hundreds of fabrics, styles, colours and blinds on display. Customers are welcome to come in and discuss their requirements, and the showroom is open Monday - Friday from 8am - 4.30pm.

Bay Blinds manufactures a large variation of products, and it can be difficult to give prices without looking at your windows and discussing the options with you. We offer a no obligation, free, measure and quote service which solves this problem. Our reps have more than 40 years of combined industry experience, and you can be sure they will give you the best advice.

Bay Blinds has full time sales representatives and installers servicing the Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions. Outside of these areas there is a network of distributors who we can pass your details onto.



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