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Bathroom Direct Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 05:39   Home Services   5 Smales Road East Tamaki Auckland 2013   24 views Reference: 42198
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Click to get direction: 5 Smales Road East Tamaki Auckland 2013

Contact Info(s):

O: 099133110

F: 099133113

About Bathroom Direct

We'll help you create your new bathroom, from concept to completion! Bathroom Direct is a full service bathroom Renovation business focusing on providing you Quality Service, using Quality Products, and for a fair price.

We can provide you with quality bathroom-ware and also project-manage the installation, including everything from carpentry, plumbing, tiling, through painting and electrical, to putting your new toilet-roll holder on the wall.

So if you're looking for ideas, or would like to take your ideas further, then why not make an appointment to have one of our Design Consultants visit you, and provide some professional advice to launch your bathroom project off to a great start?

Our designers have years of experience, many have moved up from the building trade, so you can be assured of their expertise and friendly professionalism. And if you like what they come up with, then we can provide a complete renovation service, and provide you with your new bathroom.

We aim to make it as easy and painless for you as possible.

Visit our website for more info, or to schedule a consultation, call the professionals at Henry Brooks today.

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