Bartlett Law Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:11 Professional Services Equinox House, 111 The Terrace Wellington 29 views Reference: 227256Click to get direction: Equinox House, 111 The Terrace Wellington
Contact Info(s):
O: 044725579
F: 044710589
Opening hours
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Products and Services
AssociationsEmployment Relations Authority, Employment Relations Authority, Employment Relations Authority
CourtsDistrict Court, High Court, District Court, High Court
IndustryEmployment, Legal, Administrative
TradesBarristers, Barristers
ConcernsGrievances, Employment Disputes, Employment Law, Contracts, Redundancy, Disputes, Employment Disputes, Agreements, Employee Agreements, Contracts, Redundancy, Disputes, Redundancy, Grievances, Agreements, Employee Agreements, Contracts, Employment Disputes
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Visit Us Online
PracticesEmployment Law, Employment Law, Dispute Resolution
ServicesLegal Advice, Conflict Resolution, Employee Agreements, Legal Services, Litigation Inqueries, Legal Inqueries, Representation, Appeals, Mediation, Civil Litigation, Litigation, Contract Drafting, Personal Grievance Hearings, Mediation, Appeals, Civil Litigation, Litigation, Contract Drafting, Personal Grievance Hearings, Arbitration
AssurancesLicensed, Licensed
CareersBarristers, Lawyers
Year est.
Parking options
Pay & DisplayPayment options
Mailing address
PO Box 10852 The Terrace Wellington
About Bartlett Law
Welcome to Bartlett Law. We are a boutique Wellington-based law firm specializing in all aspects of employment law and workplace law. We have won important employment law cases and are geared to the needs of small businesses and individual clients.
Our expertise includes employment law, workplace law, contracts, personal grievance, relations, mediation, health & safety, injunction, restraint of trade and OSH.
Contact Bartlett Law for advice on employment agreements or contracts, how to avoid personal grievances, how to terminate employment and much more. Please email us with any enquiries or call us today!
What makes us different
We are one of New Zealand's most established law firms. We can assist you with employment law problems, key documents that need to be drafted drafted or exploring how your business could benefit from better systems.
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