Barkla Automotive Spray Painters Paint & Panel Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:33 Auto Services 66/68 Union Street Hawera 4610 22 views Reference: 225307Location: 66/68 Union Street Hawera 4610
Click to get direction: 66/68 Union Street Hawera 4610
Contact Info(s):
O: 062783083
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
TradesPanel Beaters
VehiclesLuxury Cars, Town Cars, Mid-size Cars, Ute, Cars, Vans, Motorcycles, 4WD, Classic Cars
PartsBonnets, Bumpers, Doors, Body Panels, Panelling
FacilitiesPanel Shop, Paint Shop
ConcernsAccident damage, Scuffs, Dents, Collisions
Service OptionsFree Quotes, Small Jobs
ServicesWashing, Paint Repairs, Panel Repairs, Body Repairs, Dent Repairs, Advice, Buffing, Vacuuming, spray painting, Exterior Painting, Panel Beating, Painting, Bumper Repairs, Dent Removal, Collision Repairs, Consulting, Sandblasting, Glazing, Polishing, Restoration, Stripping, Buffing, Rustproofing, Protective Coating, Paint Protection, Touch-ups, Refinishing, Repairs, Customising, Cleaning, Detailing, Colour Matching
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Commercial, Residential
Price InformationFree Quotes, Free Quotes
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Over 30 Years Experience
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
Mailing address
PO Box 249 Hawera 4640
About Barkla Automotive Spray Painters Paint & Panel
Are you looking for a reliable and professional Panel and Paint company in Taranaki?
Barkla Automotive Spray Painters Ltd have over 35 years' industry experience and our team proudly provides expert, friendly and quality service.
We offer the following services:
- We specialise in commercial and private vehicle insurance work & restoration
- Buffing Cleaning
- Colour Matching
- Customizing
- Finishing and Glazing
- Touch Up's
- Paint Protection
- Panel Beating
- Car Grooming
- Interior Car Cleaning
- Upholstery Cleaning
- Car Polishing
- 24 Hour Towing Service
- Storage Service
- We offer Local and Long Distance Tows
We can paint almost anything from cupboards, splashbacks to coffins, so if you need something professionally painted, please enquire and we can let you know if we can do it for you.
At Barkla Automotive Spray Painters Ltd, we pride ourselves on a high standard of workmanship backed with expert knowledge and skills.
Simply call us today for a free quote or visit our Facebook page for more information.
What makes us different
At Barkla Automotive Spray Painters Ltd we specialise in superior panel and paint services in Taranaki, we also provide Car Valet and Breakdown and Towing services. Call our friendly team today!
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.