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Back In Motion Physiotherapy Clinic Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 22:52   Medical & Emergency   133 Great King Street Dunedin Central Dunedin 9016   32 views Reference: 298558
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Click to get direction: 133 Great King Street Dunedin Central Dunedin 9016

Contact Info(s):

O: 034749400

F: 034749408

Opening hours


Products and Services


Balance, Relaxation


Acupuncture, Rehabilitation, Manipulation


Ankles, Feet, Spine, Elbows, Arms, Back


Spinal Disorders, Pregnancy, Balancing

Service Options

Visit Us Online


Neuromuscular Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture


Spinal Care

Payment options


About Back In Motion Physiotherapy Clinic

A physiotherapy clinic in Centre City Mall providing

At Back In Motion Physiotherapy Clinic, we provide specialised and a comprehensive range of physical treatments, exercise and education services for you. We have 2 clinics in Dunedin - Centre City Mall and Eglington Rd Mornington.
We also have a Pilates studio and run regular mat classes at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

We offer: Spinal Manipulative Therapy, Acupuncture, Sports Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Massage, Neurological Rehabilitation, BIM Perform Programme, Breathing & Relaxation, Balance & Vestibular clinic, Pregnancy Programmes.
We offer Special Programs: Pinc Program - Giving women with cancer strength. Steel Program - Restrengthening for men with cancer.

Give us a call, or send an email for enquiries.

We were the first Physiotherapy Clinic to introduce Pilates to NZ in 1998. We have experienced staff that are able to offer individualised instruction on the specialised Pilates equipment.

What makes us different

Back in Motion has a close relationship with local industry and we offer work site assessments, health and safety seminars and early injury management. With our focus on comprehensive rehabilitation we hold several contracts with ACC return to work, physical rehabilitation and severe injury contracts including head injuries.
Alongside physiotherapy, other services we have developed for client include: massage, Pilates, Pink Pilates (for rehabilitation after breast cancer surgery) and Breathing works, a specialised management of breathing pattern disorders. The latter two services being unique to BIM in Dunedin. .

Website: http://www.backinmotion.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bimnz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bimnz

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMug8Nwub6lJasuYUNj_Lw

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